Coordination Meeting on Monitoring and Evaluating the Implementation of the Raskin program in Riau

11 September 2015


The Raskin Coordination Team, Riau held a coordination meeting to monitor and evaluate the implementation of Raskin in Riau in 2015. The meeting was held on September 9th, 2015 in Pekanbaru and was opened by Drs. H. Syafrial, Chief of the Bureau of Economic and Natural Resources, Riau. Representatives of the Raskin Coordinatino Team (all districts in Riau), BPS, Bulog, subdistrict coordination teams and village level distribution teams were present at the meeting.

Speakers included Imelda Leiwakabessy, Raskin Program Coordinator, TNP2K, Fajar G. Suryono, Technical Implementer, National Raskin Coordination Team, and Faruq Octobri Qomary, Head of BULOG Riau. Imelda presented on the Raskin Management Information System (MIS) and the Complaint Handling System (CHS) which was piloted in Batam, Surayaba and Tabanan between January and March 2015.

During her presentation, Imelda explained that the MIS-CHS pilot is part of TNP2K’s effort to support the national Raskin Coordination Team to follow up on recommendations made by a KPK study on Raskin. Post-pilot, the MIS-CHS program was handed over by TNP2K to the national Raskin Coordination team (Coordinating Ministry of Human Development and Culture (PMK) and the Ministry of Home Affairs (MoHA)). Any subdistricts interested in implementing the Raskin MIS-CHS should consult with PMK and MoHA.

Fajar G. Suryono expressed appreciation for the performance and commitment of Riau’s provincial government, and its subdistricts to the effective implementation of Raskin. This was made possible due to Raskin implementation guidelines developed by Riau, the issuance of the Riau Gubernatorial Decree on establishing a Raskin Coordination Team in Riau, and the allocation of APBD funds by some Riau subdistricts to support the implementation of Raskin.

Over the next 2 years, the Raskin program policy is to continue to improve beneficiary data and the quality of rice.