TNP2K Facilitates Preparation for the Unified Database Update in 2015

05 March 2015


An update of the Unified Database (UDB) is planned for 2015. Consequently, the National Team for the Acceleration of Poverty Reduction (TNP2K) in cooperation with Statistics Indonesia (BPS) will conduct a “Preparation workshop for the Unified Database Update of 2015”. The workshop will be held between the 2nd and the 6th of March 2015 at the Salak Hotel in Bogor.

The UDB is a database that has been used to plan the implementation of social protection programmes. The UDB houses the names and addresses of beneficiaries, households or families based on a number of socioeconomic criteria set out by programme implementers. The aim of the UDB is to help improve the targeting of social protection programmes in Indonesia. Through UDB data, the number of targeted beneficiaries can be analysed at the start of the programme. This is expected to help minimize mistakes in the targeting of social protection programmes.

As stated by the Vice President (VP) during his visit to TNP2K, the Government should use one common set of data for social protection programmes and update that dataset regularly. “There is no need for a lot of data, one set of data is enough and it should be updated regularly,” explained VP.

Wynandin Imawan, Deputy for Social Statistics, BPS echoed the VP’s sentiments during the opening ceremony of the workshop. He stressed the need for regular updates of the data to help reduce poverty in the country. “An update of the UDB is a priority since it holds a key position in the achievement of national poverty reduction targets”, he said.

“TNP2K’s duty is to support BPS so that updates to the UDB can be made efficiently. To achieve this, there needs to be support and monitoring from all stakeholders including those at the central and local governments as well as communities,” said Sudarno Sumarto, Chief Policy Advisor at TNP2K.

The UDB was used to target social protection programmes such as the Social Protection Card (KPS) which was issued in 2013. Currently the UDB is used to implement the Family Welfare Programme, the Smart Indonesia Programme and the Healthy Indonesia Programme (2014). Additionally, based on the UDB the targeting mechanism for BSM programme has evolved from being school-based to household-based. The UDB is also used by the National Health Insurance (JaminanKesehatan Nasional) programme to reach 86.4 million individuals.